PC World Interactive 7
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Assembly Source File
877 lines
TITLE 'Direct Video Routines'
; Author: David Bennett - Version 1.0 - Date: 11/9/88
; This is a module of direct video writing routines for TASM. Please see the
; file VIDEO.DOC for more information. Examples of most routines are set forth
; -Dave
;v1.2, Toad Hall tweak
; - This version is a "standalone" program that should be compiled
; separately. Save the .OBJ file for later incorporation via LINK
; with your main program.
; Globals are right at the top (which you, of course, will declare
; as externals in YOUR program.
Comment ~
Move the following lines to YOUR program (and uncomment them!):
EXTRN EGAInstalled: NEAR, GetVideoMode: NEAR
EXTRN DFillAttr: NEAR, StoreToMem: NEAR
EXTRN StoreToScr: NEAR, CursorOff: NEAR
EXTRN baseOfScreen : WORD
EXTRN snowcheck: BYTE, videomode: BYTE
end of Comment ~
PUBLIC MoveXY_DI,MoveXY_SI,EGAInstalled,GetVideoMode
PUBLIC DWriteCh,DWriteChNA,DWriteStr,DWriteStrNA
PUBLIC DFillCh,DFillChNA,DFillAttr,StoreToMem,StoreToScr
PUBLIC CursorOff,CursorOn
PUBLIC baseOfScreen,snowcheck,videomode
baseOfScreen DW CGASEG ; Offset for current vid mode
snowcheck DB 0 ; Check for retrace 1/0
videomode DB 0 ; Current BIOS INT 10 vid mode
INCLUDE VIDEO1.INC ;various definitions
; ------
; Macros
; ------
WaitRetrace MACRO
LOCAL WaitNoH, WaitH, WaitX
; This macro waits for the horizontial retrace signal from the
; monitor before continuing. Interrupts should be disabled B4
; calling this routine with CLI. Of course, make sure int's are
; reenabled afterwards with STI.
; Modifies
; DX, AL
mov dx, 3DAh ; CGA status register
in al, dx ; Get 6845 Status
test al,8 ; Check vert retrace
jnz WaitX ; In Progress? go
rcr al,1 ; Wait for end of
jc WaitNoH ; horizontal retrace
in al, dx ; Get 6845 status again
rcr al, 1 ; Wait for horizontial
jnc WaitH ; retrace
; ----------------
; Video Procedures
; ----------------
MoveXY_DI proc near
; This procedure moves to the offset indicated by an X & Y cusor
; location.
; Input
; AH = Row
; AL = Column
; Output
; DI = Memory Offset
push cx ; Save CX
xor cl, cl ; Clear CL
mov ch, ah ; CX = Row * 256
dec ch ; CX = (Row - 1) {0-24 Based}
shr cx, 1 ; CX = Row * 128
mov di, cx ; Store in DI
shr di, 1 ; DI = Row * 64
shr di, 1 ; DI = Row * 32
add di, cx ; DI = (Row * 128)+(Row * 32) {Row*160}
xor ch, ch ; Clear CH register
mov cl, al ; CX = Columns
dec cx ; Make 0-79
shl cx, 1 ; Account for attribute
add di, cx ; DI = (Row * 160) + (Col * 2)
pop cx ; Restore CX register
MoveXY_DI endp
MoveXY_SI proc near
; This procedure moves to the offset indicated by an X & Y cusor
; location.
; Input
; AH = Row
; AL = Column
; Output
; SI = Memory Offset - Points 1 byte beyond null of str displayed
push cx ; Save CX
xor cl, cl ; Clear CL
mov ch, ah ; CX = Row * 256
dec ch ; CX = (Row - 1) {0-24 Based}
shr cx, 1 ; CX = Row * 128
mov si, cx ; Store in SI
shr si, 1 ; SI = Row * 64
shr si, 1 ; SI = Row * 32
add si, cx ; SI = (Row * 128)+(Row * 32) {Row*160}
xor ch, ch ; Clear CH register
mov cl, al ; CX = Columns
dec cx ; Make 0-79
shl cx, 1 ; Account for attribute
add si, cx ; DI = (Row * 160) + (Col * 2)
pop cx ; Restore CX register
MoveXY_SI endp
EGAInstalled proc near
; This procedure checks to see if the current adapter card is an
; EGA.
; Output
; AL = 1 if EGA Adapter is found / 0 if not
; Modified
; AX
push bx ; Store used registers
push cx
mov ax, 1200h ; BIOS INT 10 function 12h
mov bx, 10h ; sub-func 10h (Get EGA info)
mov cx, 0FFFFh ; lite all bits of CX
int 10h ; call INT 10
xor ax, ax ; Clear AX reg
cmp cx, 0FFFFh ; If CX not modified by INT call
je EI_Done ; then this is not an EGA
inc AL ; Increment AL to show this is EGA
pop cx ; Restore regs
pop bx
EGAInstalled endp
GetVideoMode proc near
; This procedure checks the video mode and sets the baseOfScreen
; accordingly. It also sets snowcheck to 1 if adapter is a CGA.
; Output
; baseOfScreen
; videomode
; snowcheck
; Uses
; EGAInstalled
push ax ; Store registers
push di
push DS
mov ax,CS
mov DS,ax
mov di, CGASEG ; move offset of CGA to DI
mov ah, 0Fh ; INT 10 get vid mode func
int 10h ; get the video mode
xor ah, ah ; clear the AH reg
mov videomode, al ; place mode into videomode
cmp al, 7 ; Is this a mono screen?
jne NotMono ; if not jump to NotMono
mov di, MONOSEG ; move offset of mono to DI
mov snowcheck, 0 ; NEVER CHECK RETRACE ON MONO!
jmp short GVM_Done
NotMono: ; Process CGA/EGA/VGA adap.
call EGAInstalled ; Check for EGA adap.
rcr al, 1 ; Move bit 1 to carry flag
jc GVM_Done ; If EGA then no snow check
mov snowcheck, 1 ; Not EGA so set snow check
mov baseOfScreen, di ; Move DI to base of screen
pop DS ; Restore regs
pop di
pop ax
GetVideoMode endp
DWriteCH proc near
; Writes a character to the screen using direct memory access.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH Row on screen 1-25
; AL Column on screen 1-80
; BH Video Attribute
; BL Character
; CX Number of times
; Output
; Screen memory (B000:0000 or 8000 CGA/MONO
push ax ; Store the registers
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to row / column offset
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov al,snowcheck ; Move snow check to al
rcr al, 1 ; snowcheck
jnc DWC_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto FW_NoWait
cli ; Disable interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro to wait for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move char/attr into AX
stosw ; Move char/attr to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop DWC_Next ; Repeat CX times
jmp short DWC_Exit ; Exit this routine
mov ax, bx ; Move char/attr into AX
rep stosw ; Move char/attr to screen CX times
pop di ; Restore the registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
DWriteCH endp
DWriteCHNA proc near
; Writes a character to the screen using direct memory access.
; This procedure does not disturb current attr setting.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH Row on screen 1-25
; AL Column on screen 1-80
; BL Character
; CX Number of times
; Output
; Screen memory (B000:0000 or 8000 CGA/MONO
push ax ; Store the registers
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to row / column offset
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov al,snowcheck ; Move snow check to al
rcr al, 1 ; snowcheck
jnc DWCN_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto FW_NoWait
cli ; Disable interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro to wait for horiz retrace
mov al, bl ; Move char into al
stosb ; Move char to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
inc di ; Skip over attr
loop DWCN_Next ; Repeat CX times
jmp short DWCN_Exit ; Exit this routine
mov al, bl ; Move char into AX
stosb ; Move char to screen
inc di ; Skip over attr
loop DWCN_NoWaitLoop ; Repeat CX times
pop di ; Restore the registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
DWriteCHNA endp
DWriteStr proc near
; This procedure writes a null delimited string to the screen using
; direct memory access.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; DS:SI Null terminated string to print
; AH Row on screen 1-25
; AL Column on screen 1-80
; BH Video Attribute
; Output
; Screen memory (B000:0000 or 8000 CGA/MONO
; Modifies
; SI - Points 1 byte beyond null of str displayed
push ax ; Store the registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to row / column offset
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to al
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ah, bh ; Place video attr in AH
jnc DWS_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DWS_NoWait
lodsb ; Get a character from source
or al, al ; Check for NULL
jz DWS_Exit ; If NULL then exit
mov bx, ax ; Store video word into BX
cli ; Disable interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro to wait for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move word back to AX...
stosw ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
jmp DWS_Next ; Continue
lodsb ; Get a character from string
or al, al ; Check for NULL
jz DWS_Exit ; If NULL then exit
stosw ; Move word to screen
loop DWS_NoWait ; Continue
pop di ; Restore the registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
DWriteStr endp
DWriteStrNA proc near
; This procedure writes a null delimited string to the screen using
; direct memory access, attribute is not changed.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; DS:SI Null terminated string to print
; AH Row on screen 1-25
; AL Column on screen 1-80
; Output
; Screen memory (B000:0000 or 8000 CGA/MONO)
; Modifies
; SI - Points 1 byte beyond null of str displayed
push ax ; Store the registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to cl
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
jnc DWSN_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DWSN_NoWait
lodsb ; Get a character from source
or al, al ; Check for NULL
jz DWSN_Exit ; If NULL then exit
mov bx, ax ; Store video word into BX
cli ; Turn off interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move word back to AX...
stosb ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
inc di ; Skip the attribute.
jmp DWSN_Next ; Continue
lodsb ; Get a character from string
or al, al ; Check for NULL
jz DWSN_Exit ; If NULL then exit
stosb ; Store the byte on screen
inc di ; Skip attribute byte
loop DWSN_NoWait ; Continue
pop di ; Restore the registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
DWriteStrNA endp
DFillCH proc near
; This procedure fills an area of the screen with the specified
; character and attribute.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; DH = Attribute
; DL = Character
push ax ; Store Registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc DFC_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DFC_NoWait
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store Registers AX, BX
push bx
mov bx,dx ;video word into BX v1.1
cli ; Turn off interrupts
; push dx ; Store video word
mov bx,ax ;store video word v1.1
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
; pop dx ; Restore video word
; mov ax, dx ; Move word into AX
mov ax,bx ;restore video word v1.1
stosw ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop DFC_Next ; Continue
pop bx ; Restore registers BX, AX
pop ax
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
;v1.1 the dec will set ZF appropriately if 0'ed
; or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz DFC_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short DFC_Exit ; Exit routine
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store the char/attr
mov ax, dx ; Move char/attr into ax
rep stosw ; Thats it!
pop ax ; Restore the char/attr
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz DFC_NoWait ; Do next column
pop di ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
DFillCH endp
DFillCHNA proc near
; This procedure fills an area of the screen with the specified
; character. Attribute remains the same.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; DL = Character
push ax ; Store Registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc DFCN_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DFCN_NoWait
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store Registers AX, BX
push bx
mov bx,dx ;char into BX v1.1
cli ; Turn off interrupts
; push dx ; Save video word
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
; pop dx ; Restore video word
; mov al, dl ; Move character into al
mov al,bl ;move char into AL v1.1
stosb ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
inc di ; Skip attr
loop DFCN_Next ; Continue
pop bx ; Restore registers BX, AX
pop ax
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz DFCN_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short DFCN_Exit ; Exit routine
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store the row/col info
mov al, dl ; Move char into ax
stosb ; Thats it!
inc di ; Skip over attr
loop DFCN_NoWaitLoop ; Loop for all columns
pop ax ; Restore the row/col info
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz DFCN_NoWait ; Do next column
pop di ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
DFillCHNA endp
DFillAttr proc near
; This procedure fills an area of the screen with the specified
; attribute. Character remains the same.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; DH = Attribute
push ax ; Store Registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc DFA_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DFA_NoWait
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store Registers AX, BX
push bx
mov bx,dx ;save attrib in BH v1.1
cli ; Turn off interrupts
; push dx ; Save attribute in DH
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
; pop dx ; Restore attr
inc di ; Skip character
; mov al, dh ; Move attr into al
mov al,bh ;move attr into AL v1.1
stosb ; Move attr to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop DFA_Next ; Continue
pop bx ; Restore registers BX, AX
pop ax
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz DFA_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short DFA_Exit ; Exit routine
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store the row/col info
mov al, dh ; Move attr into ax
inc di ; Skip over character
stosb ; Thats it!
loop DFA_NoWaitLoop ; Loop for all columns
pop ax ; Restore the row/col info
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz DFA_NoWait ; Do next column
pop di ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
DFillAttr endp
StoreToMem proc near
; This procedure moves an image from the screen to the designated
; memory area.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; ES:DI = Memory Destination
; Modifies
; DI
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push DS ; Store registers
push si
mov DS,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to DS mov cl,
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc STM_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto STM_NoWait
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_SI ; Set SI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store row/column info
push bx ; Store number of row/columns info
lodsw ; Get a char/word from screen
mov bx, ax ; Store video word into BX
cli ; Turn off interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move word back to AX...
stosw ; Move word to memory
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop STM_Next ; Continue
pop bx ; Restore number of row/columns info
pop ax ; Restore row/column info
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz STM_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short STM_Exit ; Exit routine
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_SI ; Set SI to screen offset pos
rep movsw ; Thats it!
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz STM_NoWait ; Do next column
pop si
pop DS
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
StoreToMem endp
StoreToScr proc near
; This procedure moves an image from memory to the designated
; screen location.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; DS:SI = Memory Area of image
; Modifies
; SI
push ax ; Store Registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc STS_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto STS_NoWait
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store Registers AX, BX
push bx
lodsw ; Get a char/word from memory
mov bx, ax ; Store video word into BX
cli ; Turn off interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move word back to AX...
stosw ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop STS_Next ; Continue
pop bx ; Restore registers BX, AX
pop ax
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz STS_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short STS_Exit ; Exit routine
mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
rep movsw ; Thats it!
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz STS_NoWait ; Do next column
pop di ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
StoreToScr endp
CursorOff proc near
; This procedure simply turns the Cursor off
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah, 03h ; BIOS INT 10 func 3 (Get Cursor pos)
int 10h ; Call INT 10
or ch, 0100000b ; Turn on cursor bit
mov ah, 01h ; BIOS INT 10 func 1 (Set cursor type)
int 10h ; Call INT 10
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
CursorOff endp
CursorOn proc near
; This procedure simply turns the Cursor on
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah, 03h ; BIOS INT 10 func 3 (Get Cursor pos)
int 10h ; Call INT 10
and ch, 1011111b ; Turn off cursor bit
mov ah, 01h ; BIOS INT 10 func 1 (Set cursor type)
int 10h ; Call INT 10
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
CursorOn endp